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November 1-30, 2024


Thrive is a time when we come together as a UBC community to learn about, talk about, and explore ways to support our mental health. This year, the campaign is dedicated to shining a spotlight on the incredible resources, groups, and departments at UBC that work year-round to support mental health and wellbeing. Whether you’re a student, faculty, staff, or part of our broader campus community, there are a variety of resources here to support you. 

Promoting mental health literacy, reducing stigma, reflecting on diverse perspectives and experiences of mental health, creating a supportive campus culture, and ensuring our community has the resources to help them understand mental health issues, and improve coping skills and build resilience, are key to building mental health and to living, learning, and working well— this is what Thrive is all about! 

But fostering and maintaining mental health is a year-round pursuit, and UBC recognizes that it plays a crucial role in the ability to live, work, and learn well— whether on campus or at home. Throughout Thrive, we'll feature a variety of in-person and online events to ensure that students, faculty, staff, and community members have access to resources wherever they are.  

Thrive is for everyone—we all have mental health, and while it might look and feel different for each of us, we all benefit from maintaining and fostering it.  Whatever your pathway to mental health may be, we invite you to learn about it, talk about it and explore it during Thrive. 


Ready to dive into Thrive? Check out events throughout November to help support and maintain your mental health. 

Thrive Events Calendar


Help build mental health literacy by promoting Thrive or planning an event. Grants and communications toolkits are available to help spread the word.

Promote Thrive


Learn more about mental health and why mental health literacy is an important skill to help you live, work, and learn your best. 

Learn More


Talking about mental health is key to reducing stigma. Access educational resources to help have conversations about mental health. 

Start Talking


Discover ways to support your mental health and your community’s through the Thrive 5+. Navigate resources and find what works best for you.





Initiatives Menu

Mental Health Literacy at UBC

Thrive supports UBC's broader goals around mental health literacy, outlined in the Wellbeing Strategic Framework, Student Strategic Plan, and Focus on People 2025.



Thrive is a joint initiative and collaboration between UBC Human Resources, Health Promotion & Education (Vancouver), Health & Wellness (Okanagan), and the Office of Wellbeing Strategy. 

Thrive events are planned by many partners and are intended to represent a diverse range of experiences and perspectives beyond the Thrive 5. The Thrive committee recognizes that mental health is very individual and invites our campus community to explore their path to mental health—whatever that may look like.

We all have a hand in shaping campus environments that support health, wellbeing, and sustainability. By championing wellbeing, we can build stronger and more inclusive communities at UBC and beyond.